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Huge new infrastructure investments signal very positive Panama growth
A press release from the Presidency of the Republic of Panama is offering information on the Manzanillo International Terminal Expansion.
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Press Release: IGVSI Outperforms S & P 500 and DJIA By Significant Margins in 2011
Because the MCIM operating system demands buying on weakness (and because all securities produce income), positions are increased and new positions are added while others panic. A true MCIM user would be taking profits during rallies, in preparation for the next inevitable downturn --- it's part of the methodology.
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Press Release: MCIM Portfolios Rally To Three Year High Levels, Powered By IGVSI Stocks and Income CEFs - S & P Down 19%
The Market Cycle Investment Management methodology combines risk minimization, asset allocation, equity trading, investment grade value stock investing, and base income generation in a time frame that recognizes and embraces the reality of cycles. What's in your portfolio?
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The Most Overlooked Free Advertising In The World-Wide Universe
The press release is the most underutilized yet most powerful method of promoting one's business. It is amazing that so few businesses write and distribute press releases. Learn how you can incorporate this free promotional tool into your marketing plan.
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The Wrong Time To Write A Press Release
Is there ever a wrong time to try to get free publicity for your company, product, or service?Oh, yeah.The wrong time isn't just about bad days of the week, like Monday morning, or bad times of the year, like Christmas Eve.The wrong time I'm referring to is more internal.Let's say you're almost finished with your web site. It will be up next week, and you're almost ready to start taking orders. Is that the time to send out a press release? After all, everyth...
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Working Capital & Cash Flow Solutions: Should I Borrow From A Bank?
Recently, my newspaper reported that a local bank ...earned a four star excellence rating for the sixty-fourth consecutive quarter. Thats sixteen years of four star excellence! The article went on to say that the rating is based on a complex formula that includes
capital safety levels, quality of loan portfolio, and the ability to meet obligations
The press release was designed to showcase the value of this bank and demonstrate its prominent positio...
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Press Releases: Mom-marketing Finesse
Press Releases need form and style to reach their targeted market. Provide information required to make an informed decision in the press release as well as significant motivational inspiration to get the readers attention. A lively press release with all pertinent information in the leading paragraphs will bring your market home.
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Your 6-Step Plan For Press Release Placement
There's a clear way around press release failure and it's called the pitch. A lot like it sounds a pitch is a fast throw at busy editors about a possible story. If they want to find out more, then you send the press release.That leads me to a huge pet peeve: Sending out press releases via e-mail to a list of editors. From my experience it's never - ever - worked. I no longer try it and suggest you don't either. It's a waste of your time and all of the editors. Instead:...
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The Big Bang Publicity Campaign
Famous is as famous does and the famous get known through publicity. Yes, that's right, fame doesn't discover you, you create it through strategic campaigning. What's more, the techniques for increasing your exposure are not as difficult to attain as you might think. A great publicity campaign starts with courage, then planning, and lastly, it succeeds through persistence. If you're not sure why you should seek fame, consider fortune because the two go hand in hand.Fame w...
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Martin Connell Releases For The Best
Martin Connell's official press release for his new book For The Best.
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Tips To Starting Your Internet Business
Starting an Online Internet Business can be a stressful and confusing thing if you do not know a few things that will help you along the way get started and make your journey a lot easier. Here are a few items that I think will help you achieve your ultimate goad in setting up that business.
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Search Engines Have Changed Public Relations
When it comes to Public Relations, the driving philosophy that underlies even the most minute aspect of a campaign is that perception equals reality.
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Public Relations Strategies For Manufacturers and Industrial Suppliers
Learn the difference between public relations success on the Internet that increases your ROI and the public relations errors that are costing your company a bundle.
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10 ways women restaurants skyrocket profits using unconventional restaurant marketing and advertising
Many women restaurant owners and managers have learned how to drive a starving crowd to their restaurants on a shoe string budget using unconventional restaurant marketing techniques.Women seem to be the more aggressive gender when it comes to restaurant marketing. Here are some of the many unconventional marketing techniques women are now using:
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Publicists: It's Time to Embrace the Technology of Online Press Kits
Media professionals prefer online media rooms and the Internet for researching stories. Many publicists are still using hard copy press kits and e-mail attachments. Online press kits are how technology is making a publicist's job easier and more effective.
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Owen Wilson : Suicide or Drug Overdose Cover Up
Most people who commit suicide or overdose may be suffering from depression. Depression tends to mislead people to focus mostly on failures and disappointments. People with severe depression find it hard to see through the possibility of overcoming their problems and may desperately believe that things will never go right for them again.
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No budget for PR? Do it yourself with the help of technology!
Small businesses and non-profit organizations may not have the budgets to hire a PR firm, but that doesn't mean they can't still benefit from the advantages of editorial coverage. The Internet and technology are making it easier and cost-effective for small businesses and organizations to manage their own PR.
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New Regulations for Small Business Owners
Important information about new business regulations that all small business owners need to know.
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Milton Sprouse Says The Roswell Object Came From Out Of This World
Like most UFO incidents denied by the U.S. Government, the 1947 Roswell crash refuses to go away quietly. Each time a government spokesperson invents a new explanation to contradict the theory that an alien spacecraft crashed near Roswell, one or more new witnesses come forward to support the original Air Force statement. That statement called the object a flying disc and left us with the impression that the occupants werent quite human.Milton Sprouse, age eighty-five,...
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Creating Blissness From Your Business: Living In Rhythm With Your Heart And Soul
The word blissness came to me as a result of a challenge issued to me by my creativity coach. She was praising me on the progress Id made in my fledgling business. I actually shuddered when she said the word business, as it conjured up images of women in austere dark suits clutching heavy briefcases, sitting in endless boring meetings and never having time to do what they really wanted to do. My coach suggested that if I didnt like the word business, to think of a dif...
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7 Profit Multiplying Trading Strategies Of Successful Traders
Would you like to see your trading profits multiply? Are you struggling to squeeze out small profits and reduce losing trades? Here are some tips to help you make better decisions each and every time you trade.One of the first and foremost strategies of the successful trader is actually having a strategy in the first place! Many new investors mistakenly make decisions based on one day of trading or the release of just one economic indicator report. The more successful tra...
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Writing Killer Press Release for Massive Publicity
Press releases are informative and objective pieces which are supposed to be newsworthy, and are circulated in PR wires for pickup by various news groups and editors. This article will give you some tips about how to write killer press release to get massive free publicity for your business.
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Under The Radar Advertising Strategy That Pull Sales All Day Long!
Discover the power of using advertorials in your advertising strategy. This Under The Radar strategy has the ability to bring in more qualified buyers than all your other advertising strategies put together. Advertorials lend themselves to a degree of objective credibility to you as the advertiser, as well as make the advertising pitch most believable even to the most skeptical of consumers.
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Soft Marketing Strategies
Whether you are marketing on-line or off-line, your potential customers are scared, scarred, and skeptical. Consumers, today, are quite resistant to sales messages.
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Learn the Top 2 Tips to Make Your New Financial Year The Most Profitable Yet!
Well we are already 1/2 way through 2006 and boy has it gone fast, I swear I am already seeing hints of Christmas in the stores! Was one of your 2006 New Year resolutions to get busy with your business online and really make an impact? If you like many others have not quite gotten there yet, don't despair because I am about to give you the hottest and easiest to implement strategies that will really make a difference to your bottom line!!
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How Can Press Release Increase Web Traffic?
Publicity is indispensable to run a business, whether your business is located at the market center or on Internet. When a business has little or even no budget to promote, Press Release is the most advantageous method to promote business.
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Brand Management - Beyond Marketing
In the past, the management of an organization's brand has usually been the sole domain of the organization's marketing team. However, with the evolution of the Internet and people's need for instant information, there is a greater call for public relations professionals to become more directly involved with an organization's brand management.
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Beyond Marketing -- Brand Management
In the past, the management of an organization's brand has usually been the sole domain of the organization's marketing team. However, with the evolution of the Internet and people's need for instant information, there is a greater call for public relations professionals to become more directly involved with an organization's brand management.
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7 Ways To Drive Traffic To Your Website
Traffic is the most essential thing to a successful internet based business company. Aside from ensuring that you have a great product to sell, and you have your companys internal organization well taken core of, it would be time to get to the nitty gritty of things, generating traffic.
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7 Tips To Save Money on Marketing a Business
Here are some tips to help you save money on marketing your business without sacrificing quality or results. In fact, some of them are very affective to boost your business cost effectively and fast.
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16 Tips For Offline Marketing
Search engines are Not the only form of marketing these days as to how people will find your website (as was the case five years ago)! Many more people are visiting websites where they have seen the url in writing. Why do you think so many television commercials these days always include the web address of the product they are promoting?These tips will do wonders for increasing your Offline Marketing and the amount of traffic to your website, which of course, is what we all want to
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Your Smoking Addiction Can Be Un-Hooked And Un-Trapped
Hooked, trapped, desperateOh these words are so heart wringing. Are those that utter these soul-searing cries being tied up by their thumbs? Or have they fallen down an old mine shaft?Well, umm, no, they have
well they have made a decision to become hooked, trapped and desperate.See the news blog tumbling out... Scottish smokers, hooked on their smoking addiction have vowed to fight the smoking bans.Read the Press Release from the pharmaceutical company announci...
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Year in review - Top 12 News stories of 2005
As yet another New Year dawns, it is time for us to look back on 2005 and view from the outside all that happened. There were joys, triumphs, and tears. That everything that happens is a learning experience is quite true.
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Writing Press Releases
Now that you have a brand new and fresh web site that you will be putting in circulation in the very near future, the next step you will need to take is advertising for this site to make a huge impression on the market. How does one go about writing a strong press release for an impending site introduction? You are not alone if you are unsure on how to go about this, but there are a few suggestions to get you started, here are some that have been successful in the past.Re...
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Why be a rich jerk when you can Become Hated But Rich?
While you sit on your yacht in Italy planning your next vacation, your jealous friends and family will still be struggling to get up every morning to join the rat race just to earn a handful of peanuts at their dead end jobs. You will become hated because your enemies do not have the tools that you will have on how to become wealthy.
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Why become a ghostwriter?
Ghostwriting can be rewarding in two ways. a) You get a chance to research and write about all types of topics that you would not normally have a chance to learn about. The old theory in writing, write what you know does not apply to ghostwriting since your clients will dictate what topic you will write about. b) You can make a decent living at it. If you are new to writing, it may take a while to get clients but it is possible. It just takes a little hard work and perseverance. There are se
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Where To Go On Holiday? Some Travel Destinations
Many people from all over the world strongly believe their lives will not be complete in any year without embarking on traveling expedition. This trend is responsible for the bubbling, multi-billion dollars traveling, and hospitality and tourism industry. From January to December, holiday lovers and tourists are constantly moving from their stations to visit other destinations in order to observe new places, snap photographs and generally make new discoveries of interest. Som...
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What's The Best Online Marketing Course? Find Out
No single course will give you all you need to make a full-time living online.When was the last time you picked up a course, devoured it and went on to make tons of money without reading from any other source.Id reckon never because there is so much information to take in online that you can never just learn from one source.I recently went on vacation and made more money while on vacation than most people make a whole month at their regular 9 to 5 jobs.Should...
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What Marketing Can Do For You
Over the years, I've had dealings with some business owners who have a rather skewed perception of marketing. They think you throw a few ads out there, get a couple of press releases printed and voila! Youre a big success. Oh, if it only were that easy. (Although if it were, I probably wouldnt have a job.) So realistically, what marketing can do for you? Read on.
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What Investigative Reporting Entails
The field of investigative reporting involves bringing to the fore facts and figure that affect human interests and fair governance. This means conducting in depth research, looking at public records, doing extensive interviews, as well as checking and rechecking of facts before publication.
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Viral Marketing Tips
Viral marketing is a technique that is used by many people, yet it is still relatively unknown. Many people hear the words viral marketing or viral traffic, and think that it has something to do with a virus. Fortunately, viral marketing and viral traffic have nothing to do with people spreading viruses via email, etc.Viral marketing is simply defined. It is any strategy that is implemented to encourage people to pass on a marketing message to others; which in turn cr...
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Using Off-Line Marketing To Promote Your Website
Most of the Internet Marketers seem to think of website promotion as just submitting to search engines, directories, link building and advertising in ezines or banner exchanges. It is a known fact that most people in the world use most of their time off-line. They read newspapers, magazines, listen to radio and watch TV, talk with their friends, neighbors and family. Not all the time is spent surfing on the internet. To ignore the value of off-line marketing is to lea...
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Using a Press Release to get More Customers
There are many great stories about press releases being used to profit small business owners. If used correctly they can be used to get you into a small newspaper, driving customers to your business.
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Types of Interview Questions
Interview is a vital part of recruitment procedure. Some interviews are followed by the written test and others are taken directly. Job interview always brings stress, anxiety and fear for the interviewer especially if he/she is going to appear for the first time.
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To Pitch Or Release
The Internet has, without question, provided more opportunities and better communication between the media and business owners. However, it has also encouraged an onslaught of press releases for which the media simply can not keep up. This means, that you, the business person must either deliver press releases so compelling that they will shine through the proverbial slush pile, or find a better approach for reaching your target editors or producers.For the very same reas...
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Topps To Be Acquired By Eisner And Others
On March 6, 2007, Topps (TOPP) announced it agreed to be acquired for $9.75 per share in cash in a transaction valued at $385.4 million. The maker of trading cards and confections (Ring Pop, Push Pop, Bazooka gum, etc.) will be acquired by the Tornante Company and Madison Dearborn Partners. The Tornante Company was founded in 2005 by Michael Eisner it is privately held.Topps was founded in 1938. Although it was always a chewing gum company, Topps didn't start selling th...
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The Weight Loss Benefit of Green Tea
Research has been conducted over the last few years to identify what compound present in green tea makes it a potent health drink. The scientists have found that green tea contains several antioxidants which are responsible for many of green tea's health benefits, including weight loss benefit.
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The Top 3 Ways Of Getting Paid To Do What You Love
If you are thinking about starting a home based business, but you're not sure where to start, here are the top 3 ways of earning a living while doing something you love
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The Power of a Niche Directory
You know that old saying? Build it and they will come? True, its a line from a 90s baseball movie Field of Dreams, but that adage still holds true in the world of niche directory websites.
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The origins of Valentines Day
Every year February 14th is celebrated as a day for love, exchange of gifts, promises of eternal passion, and more. The inspired pen poems inspired by their love and admiration for the women of their dreams while others just go to shops and buy commercially available verses.
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The New Marketing Revolution
Lets take a quick stroll through the world of marketing to see what it was, what it became and what it now is
Era 1 newspaper, magazines, radio broadcasts, direct mail, telemarketing, cold calling, television, infomercials
Era 2 websites, banner ads, reciprocal links, ezine publishing, search engine optimization, pay-per-click, opt-in email, blogs... Enter Era 3 marketing via podcasts? Similar to the concept of opt-in email, podcasting takes full adva...
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The fun Home Business of writing Santa Letters
If you enjoy writing letters and bringing happiness to children, this is the perfect home business for you. What it takes and what youll need to start this exciting home business.
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The Best Time For Marketing...
The best time for marketing is when they arent buying. Be realistic. If you arent selling the hottest new fashion or gizmo for holiday gift-giving, its hard to get anyone to think about buying your product or service from Thanksgiving through Christmas and New Years. Thats a six week lean selling stretch for lots of sales professionals. When you are trying to hit your quarterly and year-end numbers that lean stretch can be tough to swallow. No leader likes to see...
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The Best Things In A Home Based Business Are Free
One of the biggest advantages for doing business on the internet is the low or no cost that is involved in starting and managing the business. Take the place where you do business which is the site, your online store
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The Benefits of Press Releases
So you have a new and bright web site that you will be putting in circulation very soon, you will need advertising for this site to make a big splash on the market. How does one go about writing a big press release for an impending site introduction?
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The Art Of Free Event Advertising?
Jo knew that events could be advertised in the Trade Magazines linked to her company's line of business but, as a newcomer to event organization, with a non-existent advertising budget and with no marketing expert at her elbow; where should she begin?Some of the best advertising you can get is editorial written about your event or your company. Print media like trade journals, magazines and newspapers are often looking to fill their pages and you may have noticed that art...
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Theres More to Marketing ROI (Return On Investment) than Meets the Eye
The Real Way to Determine Your Marketing Return on Investment
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Successful Press Release Publishing
Full of valuable tips and techniques on everything from grammar and style to distribution. Useful tips for write a press release
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Steps to a Writing an Effective Press Releases
An effective press release is vital to the success of your business. Here are tips to make yours press release excel using with proven tips and guidelines.
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Staying On Top Of The Top Penny Stocks
Before you put money into any investment, you like to know that the investment has a reasonable chance of appreciating in value. And the same applies to penny stocks; there are thousands and thousands of penny stocks, but before you buy any of them you would certainly benefit from knowing how to separate the top penny stocks in a sector from the rest. The skills to do that can be learned with a great deal of homework and some trading experience. If you really could spo...
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Starting Your Own Home Business
You have finally decided that a home business is right for you. But now you need to figure out what type of business you want and how to proceed with marketing this business.
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Smashing the Myth of the Press Release
Somehow, the press release has taken on a magical reputation as the alpha and omega of publicity. Wanna become rich? Send out a press release. Wanna become famous? Press release. Wanna get on the cover of Newsweek? Press release.
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Skin Care Horror Stories
There are researchers that have elaborated on the diseases caused by the chemical components of cosmetics and skin care products. Baillie- Hamilton an environmental health specialist at Sterling University in Scotland details how the toxins can cause problems as serious as immune system diseases, neurological disorders, hormonal imbalances, digestive disorders, hypersensitivity, cancer, obesity, child health problems and musculoskeletal disorders etc.Pesticides are specif...
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Save 10 Hours a Week by Setting up Your Own Faux Finish Website
Should you setup an website for your faux finish business? This article shows inexpensive and easy ways to have your faux finish samples posted to the internet to save you time and presell your work to your clients.
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Satinique Styling Products
The article 'Satinique Styling Product' provides information about cheap and affordable hair styling products.After reding this article you will be able to choose a hair styling product which will suits both your hair as well as your budget.
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Role of PR Campaigns in Marketing
The basic thumb rules for creating a successful online PR Campaign for your business; And how to optimize Press Release to increase website page rank in search engines. The effective PR Marketing Tricks
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Redeeming Your American Express AIR MILES Credit Card Rewards
In 1997, American Express Canada forged an agreement with AIR MILES rewards program to launch the American Express AIR MILES credit card exclusively for Canadian citizens. Eight years later, in 2005, an undisclosed duration for the multi year agreement extending the partnership between American Express and AIR MILES was signed.
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Reach Thousands of Your Prospects, Absolutely Free
I'm big on getting maximum marketing exposure at the lowest cost possible. After all, most small business owners don't have huge marketing budgets. Here's a great technique that doesn't cost a dime!
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Protect Your Stock Portfolio From False Signals
Most new investors have a fair idea when they should sell. The standard is 10% loss, and it is time to sell. There are dozens of gurus who offer all sorts of signals and red flags to help investors learn when to invest and when to buy or sell. Some gurus say Its time to sell when the points turn negative. All of this information is good, but the investor needs to learn how to identify false signals.There are some events that can fool investors into selling, but misread...
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Promotional Products Industry Goes 'above And Beyond' Lead Ink Regulations
The promotional products industry topped $18 billion in sales in 2006. As one of the larger promotional products distributors in the country, Absorbent, Ink. takes the welfare of our customers very seriously. We strive to work with environmentally conscious suppliers who manufacture and produce the safest products in the industry, and have been very pleased to see our industry take our environmental concerns seriously. A recent article titled Recalls have Parents on Aler...
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Promoting Relationships With the Public
Public Relations or PR is one of the most important factors in how you are perceived by the public at large. It is the relationship between your business and your customers, past customers, community and potential customers.
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Press Release System for Free Advertising
Get your small business featured in big time publications
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Oscars and Taxes
Ratings for the Oscars were down a whopping 10 percent compared to 2005. Well, at least the Internal Revenue Service was watching.
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New way in the press releases writing
That's the introduction to the new releases format - ROFX.
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Mom, Want To Boost Your Resume?
Im worried about my resume. I love being a stay at home mom, but eventually Id like to get back into the business world to make money again. What should I do to keep my resume from having a big empty gap in it?Signed Cathy CareerDear Cathy, Dont fret. There are plenty of ways to keep your resume hopping. Here are just a few ideas to get you thinking.1. Volunteer. Not many people are aware of this, but, if you live in the United States, theres a Presi...
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Milwaukee Schools Claims Right Direction
Schools come up with action plans every day. In fact, the Milwaukee Schools recently announced the adoption of an action plan that is designed to make its students competitive with some of the best schools in the country. The plan, designated Working Together, Achieving More, was adopted by the board of Milwaukee Schools in July 2007. But gauging whether a plan means real change, or just a good press release isnt always easy. The Milwaukee Public Schools plan is meant to b...
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Marketing Tips - On a Budget
Marketing a business doesnt have to be expensive if you just remember to network and use all the tools available to you.
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Marketing A Virtual Assistant Business: Tips You Can Start Using Today
Marketing a Virtual Assistant Business is crucial to your success whether it's through networking, word of mouth, or other methods. There are several ways to market your Virtual Assistant Business, but we are going to discuss some of the common methods.1) NetworkingMany Virtual Assisstants (VA) utilize this method and have been very successful in growing their businesses. By networking with other Virtual Assistants, not only are you building relationships, you're also...
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Making Low Rate Credit Cards Possible
While plenty of cardholders around the world suffer from unpaid debts due to unsurpassable high interest rates, there are also some who enjoy low rated credit cards plus other benefits. Are there secrets on how to acquire a low interest rate credit cards or owning one that offers rewards?Several people claim that credit cards are no other than a heavy yoke to their pocket. They would express their heartfelt hate to the credit companies and banks that do not in any way low...
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Make Money This Easter With Your Own Personalized Letter Writing Business
We've all heard of making money with Santa Letters, but this business can be run year round. Easter is coming and the Easter Bunny is waiting for you to write a child a letter from him.
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IRS Wants to Know About Fake Emails Using IRS Name
Obviously, you use the Internet or you wouldnt be reading this article. Since you use the web, you know about phishing scams or should. Some scams are now using fake IRS identification.
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IRS Gives Victims of Hurricane Katrina More Relief
The IRS has announced further tax relief for victims of Hurricane Katrina due to slow clean up efforts and obviously devastated areas.
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Instructive Shredmaster Facts About Advertising And Traveling Firms
Shredder Ethics
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Incredible results of well-written press release
Examines essential principles of the writing and composition of the press releases and provides an insight into the main steps of this process.
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Improve My FICO Score - 5 Key Components
Your FICO, or credit, score is calculated independently by the Big Three credit reporting agencies (viz., Equifax, TransUnion, and Experian) based upon a shared formula. Your score has a huge influence on your financial health. An improvement of just 40 or 50 points can mean paying hundreds less per month for a 30-year mortgage, for example. Anything you can do to increase your FICO score can literally mean money in your pocket.The creators of the FICO score, the Fair, Is...
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How to Write that Press Release Masterpiece?
Unless youre a seasoned writer, then writing your press release might be your hardest task. Unless youre business is of great importance or you have a one of a kind website that everyone wants to know about, then a new website launch is not ground breaking news to the rest of the world.
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How To Write Press Releases That Gets Published Every-Single-Time.
The Secrets behind press releases finally revealed...If you want to know how they make it, you'll definitely need to know what they're doing.
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How to Write a Great Press Release and Increase Press Release Distribution
While paid advertising - especially Internet advertising - can drive highly targeted traffic to your site, many online businesses overlook a key component of any marketing and advertising plan: press releases and press release distribution.
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How To Think Like A Publicist To Achieve Like A Star
Have you picked out your Oscar's night outfit? I have. You should. Have you thought about what you will say when you accept your award? I have. You should. At least in your mind, that wonderful playground for imagination. The very place we are going to venture today for great publicity ideas. Razzle, dazzle, sparkle, and shine. Isn't this how we think all those stars get to the Oscars in the first place? However, it's less glitter, and more planning that creates the reality. ...
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How to Manage Your Marketing Mix
Here's the deal: advertisement is not marketing. It's like saying you want to have a garden, but you're only willing to plant the flowers. Forget about watering, fertilizer, good soil, weeding and sunshine. You don't need them, right?
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How to get publishers to notice you.
If your articles are not getting published very often, or you just want to increase the chances of them being published, then you will benefit from the tips in this article.
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How To Get Free Publicity For Your Home Based Business
If you are just starting a new business or simply operating one on a budget, there are a lot of ways to get free publicity for your home based business. Not everyone can afford an aggressive marketing or advertising campaign. Lets face it - advertising is expensive. In fact, for many business, advertising is the largest expense that they incur. This is especially true of home based businesses due, in part, because there are not many additional expenses for a business operated...
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How to Develop a Marketing Plan
If you're planning to do any type of marketing, you need to start with a basic marketing plan. Follow these steps for creating a simply, yet highly effective marketing plan that can drive results for your business.
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How To Create More Value By Giving Less Content
In this article I want to show you the exact reason why providing less content can prove to be better at building value for your readers than providing more content.First, let me ask you some rhetorical questions...Is an ebook that's 308 pages better than an ebook that's 102 pages? Is an audio file that's 327 minutes long better than an audio file that's 125 minutes long? Is a cheesecake that's three layers better than a cheesecake that's two layers?What do you th...
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How to Create a Better News Release
You can get a better response from reporters and editors, if you follow a few simple guidelines in writing your news release. Appropriate content, an interesting headline, a packed first paragraph, polished wording, using a standard format, and by being prepared for questions.
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How To Build Your Online Consignment Business
Get the Word Out!Consignment is a simple concepttaking other peoples products and selling them for a percentage of the sale. According to Skip McGrath, of http://skipmcgrath.com, a successful eBay PowerSeller, [Consignment selling] is the fastest growing phenomenon on eBay. The key to successful online consignment is marketing your services. You really have to promote your business, and McGrath shares some techniques for doing just that. There are four areas you...
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How to boost your traffic of your Blog and destroy the competition.
Do you want to send swarms of traffic to your blog?Well here's a guide on how to achieve just that.
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Home Business Owner's Guide to the Free Money Making Opportunity
Learn the secrets to free money making opportunities online and how you can start a home business without risk of losing an initial investment...
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Google News - Just another article announcer?
In Google's recent battle towards becoming an international news center, I've come to notice that the results delivered from Google News seems like nothing more than the articles we publish everyday. So I ask, doesn't it seem like Google News resembles an article directory of some sorts?
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Get the Word Out with Press Release Distribution
The best advertising - and the most effective advertising - is free advertising, in the form of media interest generated from a press release.